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Monday, March 28, 2011

Causes and Symptoms of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer, like all cancers, is the result of an abnormal cell, the most basic unit of life. Normally, the body maintain a system of checks and balances on cell growth, so that cells divide to produce new cells are needed. Disruption of the balance system of uncontrolled cell growth and eventually form a mass called a tumor.

Tumors can be benign or malignant, and malignant tumor is called cancer. Benign tumors can usually be removed and not spread to other body parts. Malignant tumors, on the other hand, grow aggressively and attacking other body tissues, so that the tumor cells into the bloodstream or lymphatic system and then to the inside of the body. Deployment process is called metastasis.

Since lung cancer tends to spread or metastasize, it is life threatening. Lung cancer can spread to every organ in the body, especially the adrenal glands, liver, brain, and bone. This cancer is also one of the most difficult cancers to treat. The lungs are also the organ most frequently affected by tumors in other body parts.

The main cause of lung cancer is smoking well as active smokers or passive smokers. While other causes contamination of the surrounding air by the substance of asbestos, air pollution by fumes or combustion including tobacco smoke.

Cancer does not show any symptoms are visible from the outside if cell growth is not severe. As many as 25% of patients with lung cancer, known symptoms after their routine chest X ray or CT scan. If proven to have lung cancer then it will look like a coin dots ketch.

Symptoms associated with this type of cancer among other respiratory disorders that cause symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, chest pain, and coughing up blood (hemoptysis).

If the cancer has invaded nerves, for example, can cause shoulder pain that moves on the outside of the arm (called Pancoast's syndrome) or vocal cord paralysis causes hoarseness. Invasion of the esophagus can cause difficulty swallowing (dysphagia). If breathing is hampered, leading to infection (abscesses, pneumonia) in the area hampered.

Symptoms related to metastasis: Lung cancer that has spread to bone can produce tremendous pain in the bones. While the cancer that has spread to the brain can cause a number of neurological symptoms like blurred vision, headaches, seizures, or stroke symptoms such as weakness or loss of sensation in the body.

Treatment for lung cancer can involve surgical removal of cancer, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy, as well as combinations of these treatments. Decisions about treatment will be eligible for certain individuals must take into account the localization and extent of the tumor and the patient's overall health status.

Like other cancers, may be determined revocation or cancer therapy or palliative (measures that can not cure cancer but can reduce the pain and suffering of patients.
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Powerful Praying Relieve Anger

Jakarta, People can be angry over the cause of any such criticism, there are comments that are not good or problems in social life. If experience try to pray, because studies have found prayer can reduce anger.

The new study conducted by researchers from the United States and the Netherlands show that prayer can help to defuse anger, reduce aggressive behavior and reduce the impact of provocation.

Brad Bushman, a professor of communications and psychology from Ohio State University and author of the study revealed that people often turn to prayer when he felt a negative emotion, including anger.

"We found that prayer can help a person overcome his anger, possibly by helping change the way in seeing an event that makes it emotionally," Bushman said, as quoted by FoxNews, Friday (25/03/2011).

In research results published online in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, found that prayer can help a person control his anger, regardless of what religion and faith levels.

"The effects we found in this experiment is quite large, the results show prayer can really be an effective way to calm the anger and aggression," says Bushman.

When someone is facing anger might consider old advice to pray than to think of his enemy. This will help the person overcome their negative emotions.

When praying usually people will become more calm and regular breathing, this condition can make a person become more relaxed so they can control his temper.

When anger arises, then the muscles become tense and the brain releases chemicals that can cause an explosion of energy. These conditions trigger the heart to beat faster, increases blood pressure, breathing becomes faster, increasing blood flow to the arms, legs and face that makes it red.

In anger certain people who appear often followed by a sense of both tension headaches headache (headache like there is a binding head tightly) or migraine (only happens in one part of your head) caused by physiological changes that occur in the body.
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Slim Body Secrets of Japanese People

Jakarta, The Japanese are known with a slim body and has the longevity and quality of life better. This turned out to be influenced by diet and life known as the Japanese diet or the Japanese Diet.

Research shows Japanese people eat a variety of foods compared with the west. Recent studies have shown that Japanese people consume more than 100 different types of food each week, while the west is only about 30 types of food.

"Previously people thought it was all because of the influence of genes, but when the Japanese adopted Western-style diet weight will increase quickly," says Naomi Moriyama, author of Japanese Women Do not Get Old or Fat: Secrets of My Mother's Tokyo Kitchen, as quoted by WebMD, Monday (03/28/2011).

Reports from the World Health Organization (WHO) said that the Japanese have an average age of healthy life and be free from defects up to 75 years, and has the lowest obesity rates.

There are several Japanese-style diet could be done to make the body become lean and long life are:

Eat with your eyes
One of the wonders gaya Jepang eating healthy is a balance that consists of low-calorie foods are delicious, served with a beautiful and controlled portions that encourages people to eat and enjoy food. Also Japanese people eat an average of 25 percent fewer calories than Americans.

Served in small portions
In Japan food is served in small plates and bowls are separated so as not to be in one big plate. This is because people can eat 45 percent more when served in larger portions.

Japanese people prefer rice
Generally, the Japanese rice is cooked and eaten without using butter or oil, and served in a small bowl every meal including breakfast. Rice will help fill in calories and leave less empty space in the abdomen.

Very pleased with vegetables
Moriyana revealed that Japan is one country that crazy vegetables, because almost all types of food in Japan mixing various kinds of vegetables. A total of 4-5 different types of vegetables can be served in one meal. These vegetables are usually boiled in a broth seasoned, lightly pan-fried or steamed.

Prefer fish over meat
Japanese people prefer to eat fish than meat so rarely eat red meat, fish, a favorite is the salmon, fresh tuna, mackerel, sardines and herring, which is the largest source of omega-3 fatty acids that are known good for the heart.

Healthy desserts
Typical Japanese dessert is any fruit peeled, sliced ​​and arranged on a pretty plate or a cup of green tea can also unique to Japan which is rich in antioxidants. This is different from Westerners who tend to prefer sweet ice cream or cake.

Japanese were more likely to walk
Walk or go by bicycle is a part of everyday life in Japan. In addition, regulations in Japan tells us to not need the elevator to the building that only has 4 floors that provide greater opportunity for citizens to burn calories.
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Tips for a difficult child bath

Deal with the doings of the little one entered the age of the children were sometimes make you shake your head. But behind keusilannya, it turns out your baby started to develop their creativity. His curiosity made ​​him often a very large busy exploring the neighborhood. For business germs and dust, no question about it, not even a little too rarely familiar with various kinds of stains. If you are like this usually told to take a bath when there is only reason. While bathing is important to keep them clean and fresh, also good for his health

Is Mother also had experiences like this with your child? Do not be discouraged before the Mother, because there are still ways for your baby shower favor activities

1. Give your child understanding at this time if their activities would be more exciting after the shower, or if possible take with a toy that was played to take a bath
2. Familiarize your baby to a shower at the same hour every day. It's important to train it to learn discipline and awareness of himself
3. Provide a fun toy in the bathroom and toiletries to suit funny little character
4. Do not forget, because your baby skin is different from adult skin, for that little one needs a special soap for his age, plus the aroma of his favorite such as Skin Protection Bath Jelly from Cussons First Years Junior. Unique shape that resembles a jelly will provide enjoyable experiences in the bath, not only gentle to the skin, its formula Dermaclens ® also provides natural anti-bacterial protection against germs
5. Find out the cause of the child does not want a bath, when your child still refuses despite repeatedly in persuasion, there is a possibility your baby is not feeling well but can not say it directly

So who says that the little hard to take a bath, now in the bath can be a fun regular activity.
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State whose inhabitants are many fat people

Jakarta, Fat is not just a problem in developed countries, even in the poorest countries even though many who experience it. Many factors that affect it, ranging from lack of exercise to an unhealthy diet

World Health Organization set, a person can be said to have overweight or obese if it has a Body Mass Index (BMI) greater than or equal to 25 kg/m2. If the BMI is over 30 kg/m2, it can be categorized as obese.

Currently, the WHO noted that 1 in 3 people worldwide have the problem of obesity while 1 in 10 people are obese.

If there is no effort to improve the lifestyle and diet, estimated the number of people with obesity will reach 2.3 billion by 2015. This figure is quite high because it equals the number of people in China, plus the U.S. and throughout Europe.

Obesity problem is also not a monopoly of developed countries are generally too affluent to heavy exercise. A survey conducted over a decade Globalpost last show, some poor countries including the 10 countries with the problem of obesity at most.

Here is a list of the fattest countries based on percentage of residents who have a weight problem, as quoted from Globalpost, Monday (28/03/2011).

1. Samoa (93.5 percent)
An archipelago which is also located in the Pacific Ocean is actually a tradition of eating a healthy diet that is high fiber complex carbohydrates and low in fat. Yet since the migration of foreigners during World War II, the diet was changed and make this country as the fattest country in the world.

2. Kiribati (81.5 percent)
Between the years 1964-2001, import of food in one of the poorest countries in the world increased 6-fold. Foods imported from other countries generally in the form of processed foods that contain lots of fat and unhealthy. No wonder the island nation located in the Pacific Ocean holds the position of 'runner up' the fattest country in the world.

3. United States (66.7 cent)
Since the 1960s, 24 percent of Americans are overweight. Now that number continues to increase, up to 2 of 3 people can be categorized as obese. Aka junk food unhealthy foods touted as a major driver of obesity in the United States.

4. Germany (66.5 percent)
Not too surprising if the Germans entered one of the most obese state, because its people well known to the culture of drinking beer and eating greasy food. In an effort to reduce the number of residents who are obese, the government provides fruit and vegetables as snacks free to children sekoilah in the country.

5. Egypt (66 percent)
The number of people with obesity problems in Egypt increased since the 1980s. Since that time, the rate of population pertumbuan getting out of hand so that unhealthy eating patterns. Especially in the tradition of sebagain citizens, women taboo to exercise.

6. Bosnia-Herzegovina (62.9 percent)
Problem of obesity does not only happen in countries with relatively high per capita income. Evidence, Bosnia-Herzegovina ayng average population still lives below the poverty line in the top 10 most obese states. The trigger such an unhealthy diet, coupled with smoking and drinking alcohol.

7. New Zealand (62.7 percent)
According to research from the University of Otago, New Zealand's obesity problem is triggered by watching a TV addict since childhood. In this country, more obesity problem is triggered by lack of exercise than from too much eating.

8. Israel (62.9 percent)
As in some other developed countries, fat is also a serious problem in Israel. In the last 30 years alone, the number of obese people in this country has increased 3 times.

9. Croatia (61.4 percent)
In this country, the disease
cardiovascular causes
Most deaths because one risk factor is obesity. Being concern about high rates of obesity, a charity in Croatia on record making the world's largest jeans in June 2010. Kalu vast size 6 tennis courts, sewn from 8023 pieces of jeans donated by citizens.

10. Britain (61 percent)
Quite reasonable if the UK top 10 countries with the highest average BMI in the world, for Europe's own lifestyle Britons are among the most rarely exercise. Even the record's most obese man never held a British man weighing 680 pounds (about 308 kg).
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